I have a star in my hand,
It shines so bright,
With light that cherish my whole life,
A little star with great power,
This small star bring me from death to life,
Even when I let go,
This star will always be right by my side.
The name I called it,
This tiny star of mine,
She is the only one, who believes and always says,
“Don’t ever quits nor give up before you try.”
The words she use like whispering songs and lullaby in my mind,
You are the person, who will cry for my success,
Who will be ‘cooler’ than my guy friends if I fail,
Who will accept me for who I am and for what I will become one day.
Your eyes is as beautiful as the blue sea,
That can shake the world with its powerful wave,
Your face shines like the moon so bright,
That gives light for me at night and guides me from wrong to right,
I need you everyday of my life,
Please don’t go away,
I need the chance to pay all my debt to you,
To see your smile and hug you all the time,
You are the little star of mine,
Your light will never fade,
Even if you are not with me,
Your light will always be here,
Deep down inside me,
In my heart.
The person who always ask me to buy some stuff when I’m trying to watch my favorite’s football match,
The only person who will call me,
“My little boy.”
Even I am already 19 years old,
The person who always embarrassed me in front of my friend,
Who always kiss my fore head before I go to school,
Makes me looks like a kindergarten kid.
The woman who will be so excited to know if I have a girlfriend,
The person who will defense me if I get into a fight,
Which makes me feel so angry and
Makes me looks like a big loser to have my mom to win the fight for me,
Oh, I love her so much,
All her kisses,
Her annoying character,
Her lovely voice,
Although she can be a little too obvious and crazy sometimes,
But, I realized she is special,
She is one of a kind,
A mother that I had known all my life,
And, she is mine,
The only woman that I am comfortable to be with,
The only woman that I am not nervous with,
I can share anything with her,
Even my darkest secrets are safe with her,
I must say,
You have given me, my life,
You have given me all the love I need,
So, after all you did to me,
What part of you that is not to like,
I am proud to call you my mother,
No matter embarrassed and annoyed I get,
You always be my mother,
The most valuable part of my life,
No other woman can change you and be as good as you,
Because you are my one and only mother and you are mine all time,
My lovely mom.
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