Monday, July 13, 2009

We are officially seniors.....

Today, the newcomer are start pouring in. Block B is now officially full with juniors. There was one girl, Tiew, from Perak. She was so friendly with us, me and my roomate, she was so curious to start her new life here in IPTI. She started to ask so many questions, every details of this institute. I gues she just wanted to make herself at home. I know all about being in a new environment, I've had been in the same situation just one year before her. I like her, I mean it's good to ask question rather than sitting quiet and being stupid.

To ask is better than to stare.


mengenal diri AKU

My photo
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Siti Nadiah Bakar nama diberi yang bermaksud Puteri Pemurah Yang Bersegera. Anak ketiga dari 4 beradik, seorang yang suka akan kanak-kanak. Sangat meminati musik dan bercita-cita untuk menggunakan bakat yang ada dengan sebaiknya. Sayang sangat pada keluarganya.