Come into the real LIFE of SITI NADIAH BINTI BAKAR, LIFE full of colorful experience.
Friday, August 7, 2009
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Kelas ada, pensyarah Tak ada...Apa kes?
Hai apa nak jadi la ni, pergi kelas tapi buat bodoh je. Tak lah buat bodoh sepanjang kelas tu, ada la juga aku buat kerja assignment aku sikit-sikit. But basically, I stay online all the time, update my facebook and all. It's bonus time for us I guess. Tapi rasanya tak elok juga camni, buang masa. Hish, hish, hish... Tak boleh buat camni selalu, sekali-sekala boleh kot. Anyway, nak sambung kerja ni nanti aku tulis lagi apa perkembangan selanjut nya kitorang kat kelas ni. Kalau ada apa-apa perkembangan la, tapi aku tengok tak kembang-kembang pun kuncup je adalah.
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Love is like a roller coaster ride,
A ride that you can never hide,
Love situation is rougher than the high tide,
Not something that you can easily slide,
True love will not make you tied,
It will make you run, run away and save your hide,
Save it from your lovely bride,
As she catch you and your sweat will never dried,
Maybe sometimes you might feel tied,
Tied to your lover’s arms, I guess, at least you can tried,
But I am sure it is something that you can never denied,
As both your body collide,
Hugging and comforting each other side by side.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
at this moment....
Monday, July 13, 2009
We are officially seniors.....
Sunday, July 12, 2009
at this moment....
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Friday, June 26, 2009
Butterfly Fly Away Chords by Miley Cyrus, www.Ultimate-Guitar.Com
Butterfly Fly Away
Capo 3
I dont no what this chord is i think its called A7 : e--3---
C9 G/b
You tuck me in, turn out the light
A7 G/b
Left me safe and sound at night
C9 G/b A7 G/b
Little girls depend on things like that
C9 G/b
Brushed my teeth and combed my hair
A7 G/b
Had to drive me everywhere
C9 G/b A7 G/b
You were always there when I looked back
C9 G/b
You had to do it all alone
A7 G/b
Make a living, make a home
C9 G/b A7 G/b
Must have been as hard as it could be
C9 G/b
And when I couldn't sleep at night
A7 G/b
Scared things wouldn't turn out right
C9 G/b A7 G/b
You would hold my hand and sing to me
C9 G/b
Caterpillar in the tree
A7 G/b
How you wonder who you'll be
C9 G/b A7 G/b
Can't go far but you can always dream
C9 G/b
Wish you may and wish you might
A7 G/b
Don't you worry, hold on tight
C9 G/b A7 G/b
I promise you there will come a day
Butterfly fly away
C9 G/b
Butterfly fly away (Butterfly fly away)
A7 G/b
Got your wings, now you can't stay
C9 G/b A7 G/b
Take those dreams and make them all come true
C9 G/b
Butterfly fly away(Butterfly fly away)
A7 G/b
You've been waiting for this day
C9 G/b A7 G/b
All along and know just what to do
C9 G/b A7
Butterfly, Butterfly, Butterfly
Butterfly fly away
Monday, June 22, 2009
just being me.
This is me Nadiah, in my new room with my new roomate. For these few days have been so hectic but fun at the same time. My journey back to my institute had been the most amazing and the journey that I will not forget for the rest of my life. I learn that life is not easy all the time, I must fight for my right and learn that not everthing that I want, I will get. Sometime someone that has more power and in control of the situation win and I need to be the loser, but its OK I know that no one is more powerful that HIM, ALLAH. He will always be with the person who is rigth and I believe that He always be with me, look after me and take cares of me for the rest of my life.
Thursday, June 18, 2009
The truth about America...
Thursday, May 14, 2009
tak tau nak watpe...
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Monday, April 27, 2009
buatmu kakak
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Puisi buat Ibuku

I have a star in my hand,
It shines so bright,
With light that cherish my whole life,
A little star with great power,
This small star bring me from death to life,
Even when I let go,
This star will always be right by my side.
The name I called it,
This tiny star of mine,
She is the only one, who believes and always says,
“Don’t ever quits nor give up before you try.”
The words she use like whispering songs and lullaby in my mind,
You are the person, who will cry for my success,
Who will be ‘cooler’ than my guy friends if I fail,
Who will accept me for who I am and for what I will become one day.
Your eyes is as beautiful as the blue sea,
That can shake the world with its powerful wave,
Your face shines like the moon so bright,
That gives light for me at night and guides me from wrong to right,
I need you everyday of my life,
Please don’t go away,
I need the chance to pay all my debt to you,
To see your smile and hug you all the time,
You are the little star of mine,
Your light will never fade,
Even if you are not with me,
Your light will always be here,
Deep down inside me,
In my heart.
The person who always ask me to buy some stuff when I’m trying to watch my favorite’s football match,
The only person who will call me,
“My little boy.”
Even I am already 19 years old,
The person who always embarrassed me in front of my friend,
Who always kiss my fore head before I go to school,
Makes me looks like a kindergarten kid.
The woman who will be so excited to know if I have a girlfriend,
The person who will defense me if I get into a fight,
Which makes me feel so angry and
Makes me looks like a big loser to have my mom to win the fight for me,
Oh, I love her so much,
All her kisses,
Her annoying character,
Her lovely voice,
Although she can be a little too obvious and crazy sometimes,
But, I realized she is special,
She is one of a kind,
A mother that I had known all my life,
And, she is mine,
The only woman that I am comfortable to be with,
The only woman that I am not nervous with,
I can share anything with her,
Even my darkest secrets are safe with her,
I must say,
You have given me, my life,
You have given me all the love I need,
So, after all you did to me,
What part of you that is not to like,
I am proud to call you my mother,
No matter embarrassed and annoyed I get,
You always be my mother,
The most valuable part of my life,
No other woman can change you and be as good as you,
Because you are my one and only mother and you are mine all time,
My lovely mom.
Monday, March 30, 2009
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Ustaz Zamri Bercerita

Thursday, February 12, 2009
Tuesday, February 10, 2009


Thursday, January 15, 2009
mari dengar cerita hati ku - couples
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
mari bercinta - best ke?
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
project pop - layan lagu gile2
little imam - insaf siot...
Monday, January 5, 2009
Tought vs Nerd
12.00 tengah malam,
30 Ogos 2010.
“Ah…” Auni mengerang kesakitan. Hirisan pisau yang membelah bahagian perutnya amat memeritkan,ia tersungkur jatuh. Badannya yang tangkas menangkis segala pukulan lawannya tadi tidak lagi dapat menahan. Kesakitan hirisan pisau dan pukulan yang bertubi-tubi tidak lagi terdaya olehnya. Nafasnya tercungap-cungap pabila perutnya dipijak-pijak, dirinya diperlakukan bagai anak patung yang tidak bernyawa. Senyuman Greig menunjukkan kepuasan, girang hati melihat musuh ketatnya rebah.
“Auni! Lepaskan dia. Let her go, stop it!...” Eric meronta-ronta mahu melepaskan diri, tidak sanggup melihat rakannya diperlakukan sebegitu, bagai haiwan. Tiada perikemanusiaan langsung. Amarahnya makin membuak mendengar ketawa Greig kuat, seronok seperti sedang menyaksikan wayang kesukaannya. Muka Greig direnung dalam, tersirat dendam dilubuk hatinya.
“Enough!... You guys done enough damage, let me end this.” Senyuman Greig masih berbaur. Tangannya menarik keluar sepucuk pistol dari sarung di pinggangnya. Segera dihala tepat ke muka Auni yang sudah terbaring lemah.
“No!…No!…” Jerit Eric, sedaya upaya ia cuba bangun. Tetapi kakinya cepat disadung oleh pengawal Greig. Eric jatuh tersembam ke lantai, dia tidak berdaya dengan tangannya berikat. Lantas dengan kuncu-kuncu Greig mula menghempab, mengunci setiap pergerakannya.
“Hahaha… You can’t do anything now.” Pistol dihala semula ke arah Auni, tepat didahinya. Auni sudah seperti nyawa-nyawa ikan, penglihatannya mula kabur. Badannya sakit disetiap inci, bergerak menyakitkan. Mulutnya berbekas darah, ia hanya dapat merasakan laras pistol rapat didahi.
“I always win.” Bisikan Greig jelas kedengaran ditelinganya sebelum dentuman kuat pula yang berganti. Bang…
* * * *
“Auni!... Auni!... Auni!...” Bergema satu suara yang aku amat kenali tetapi bayangan empunya suara masih tidak kelihatan. Dimana aku? Apakah tempat ini? Dari mana datangnya suara itu? Berbagai pertanyaan bermain di pemikiran ku. Aku dikelilingi cahaya putih yang aku sendiri tak tahu sumbernya. Ku cuba ikuti suara itu, jauh, jauh aku berjalan.
“Ibu! Ibu ke tu?” Aku mendakap ibuku penuh makna, tidak semena-mena mataku berair. Kesedihan yang aku sendiri tidak tahu mengapa.
“Auni, Auni kena kuat. Auni tak boleh mengalah. Ibu perlukan Auni, semua orang perlukan Auni. Auni tak boleh pergi lagi.” Wajah ibu ku tenung dengan penuh tanda tanya.
“Apa maksud ibu? Auni nak pergi mana ibu? Auni takkan pergi mana-mana? Apa ibu cakap ni?” Rambutku diusap lembut, hanya senyuman menjadi balasan ibu.
“Auni takkan pergi mana-mana, Auni akan sentiasa bersama ibu. Auni kan dah janji nak jaga ibu.” Ku renung dalam-dalam mata ibu, senyuman ibu ku balas. Tetapi air mataku makin mengalir deras. Kenapa dengan aku ni? Apa yang dikatakan ibu? Kenapa ibu sedih sangat? Kenapa AKU sedih sangat? Ku dibawa berjalan, jauh, jauh berjalan dikeliling cahaya putih. Jalan tanpa penghujung. Sambil itu, ibu mula membuka bicara.
“Auni nak tahu, masa ibu tengah mengandungkan Auni. Ayah, susah payah cari nama untuk Auni. Macam-macam nama dia bagi, Minah la, Sabariah la, Zaiton la. Erm…” Ibu menggeleng pabila memori lama mendatang. Aku hanya tertawa kecil.
“Sampaikan dia beli buku nama-nama bayi, siang malam dia mencari. Asyik-asyik berkepit dengan buku tu, katanya nama anak tu penting. Dia mahukan nama yang terbaik untuk anak pertamanya. Walaupun puas dia mencari, sudahnya nama orang lama-lama juga yang dia berkenan. Akhirnya satu hari, ayah datang dekat ibu. Dia peluk ibu, dia cium ibu, dia bisik dekat telinga ibu, Auni…”
mengenal diri AKU

- ctnadiah
- Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
- Siti Nadiah Bakar nama diberi yang bermaksud Puteri Pemurah Yang Bersegera. Anak ketiga dari 4 beradik, seorang yang suka akan kanak-kanak. Sangat meminati musik dan bercita-cita untuk menggunakan bakat yang ada dengan sebaiknya. Sayang sangat pada keluarganya.