Wednesday, January 6, 2010

cakap English ke, Melayu?

What is the matter with me, unable to talk English fluently for an English teacher is so embarrassing. Here how the actual story goes... I was totally ashamed of myself during Math class today, well naturally thats happen to me when I was too nervous. All words that came out of my mouth did not make sense at all, I hate myself for being that way. And even worse I gave up myself and said "Bleh tak aku cakap Melayu je? Susah sangat la nak cakap English, pening aku nak memikirkan perkataan ape nak guna." That was so embarrassing, at first I thought that it would be easy because I had done it so many times before. But then I guessed I was not that confident to speak freely like everyone else, it was so frustrating to know that I actually could do it better but I failed.

Urgh...What I need to do, can someone help me? Tell and teach me how to speak, write and use English confidently and correctly. I am desperate! If I don't improve now, how am I gonna teach others.


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mengenal diri AKU

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Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Siti Nadiah Bakar nama diberi yang bermaksud Puteri Pemurah Yang Bersegera. Anak ketiga dari 4 beradik, seorang yang suka akan kanak-kanak. Sangat meminati musik dan bercita-cita untuk menggunakan bakat yang ada dengan sebaiknya. Sayang sangat pada keluarganya.