Tuesday, July 28, 2009


Kadang-kadang aku terasa dunia ini sangsi,
apa yang aku impi amat sukar untuk ku miliki,
kadang-kadang ku terasa sudah sampai panggilan illahi,
bagai bergetar tubuh ku takutkan mati,
Kadang-kadang aku leka,
hidup di dunia bersuka-suka,
kadang-kadang ku terasa dunia amat indah,
pabila aku hanyut lupakan DIA,
kadang-kadang ku terasa hina,
hina menjadi manusia yang tidak punya apa,
kadang-kadang ku terfikir bolehkah aku jadi penghuni syurga,
sedangkan segala ibadah ku entah kemana,
kadang-kadang aku terfikir adakah aku layak,
layak untuk menghuni syurgaNya atau lebih layak ke neraka,
Ini semua persoalan yang kadang-kadang aku fikirkan,
sedangkan hidupku makin singkat,
mungkin dalam alpa aku akan diangkat,
diangkat bertemu tuhan,
Tuhanku Ya ALLAH.

Adakah aku layak bertemu denganNya?
Adakah aku layak menghuni syurgaNya?
Adakah masa aku di dunia terlalu singkat?
Adakah taubat ku akan diterima tuhan?

Sila muhasabah diri kita semua, moga dengan itu kita tidak akan lupa yang dunia ini hanya sementara. Disana saja kita akan setia buat selama-lamanya.

Kelas ada, pensyarah Tak ada...Apa kes?

Hai apa nak jadi la ni, pergi kelas tapi buat bodoh je. Tak lah buat bodoh sepanjang kelas tu, ada la juga aku buat kerja assignment aku sikit-sikit. But basically, I stay online all the time, update my facebook and all. It's bonus time for us I guess. Tapi rasanya tak elok juga camni, buang masa. Hish, hish, hish... Tak boleh buat camni selalu, sekali-sekala boleh kot. Anyway, nak sambung kerja ni nanti aku tulis lagi apa perkembangan selanjut nya kitorang kat kelas ni. Kalau ada apa-apa perkembangan la, tapi aku tengok tak kembang-kembang pun kuncup je adalah.

Thursday, July 23, 2009


Love is like a roller coaster ride,

A ride that you can never hide,

Love situation is rougher than the high tide,

Not something that you can easily slide,

True love will not make you tied,

It will make you run, run away and save your hide,

Save it from your lovely bride,

As she catch you and your sweat will never dried,

Maybe sometimes you might feel tied,

Tied to your lover’s arms, I guess, at least you can tried,

But I am sure it is something that you can never denied,

As both your body collide,

Hugging and comforting each other side by side.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009



At last, after strugling for about 2 and a half week I am officially have finish this book today, Tuesday, July 14, 2009. Actually I am not a very good reader, I hate reading and franckly speaking I do not have any passion in reading. Not at all. My passion is with music and anything that is got to do with visual images like videos or movies, I'm in. But reading is so not my stuff, I am trying to get the hang of it. So, this is the first book that I read this month and hopefully I will try my best to read more and finish as many books that I can. Wish me luck, and by the way this is a brief summary or review of a book title A.D.AM by Ramlee Awang Murshid. Enjoy reading...

When someones had being victimized, revenge was the only way out from all the mess. Hilman a former Assistance Superintendent Police in Malaysia also a sharpshooter had being accused of driving with high level of alchohol resulting the death of one innocent life also putting her daughter in the state of "coma". The scene happened in New York and as a foreigner Hilman was caugth in the middle of the incident. To be accused with the crime that he never did was just too much for him, instead of following the law like he always did, he dicided to make his own law. To put the man who responsible which is The President of The United State to justice was just too hard for him. He was trap in his own feelings of revenge and her love towards her daughter and Mia Sara, the woman who had already captured his heart. Their heart are one. So, can Hilman find the truth and seek the revenge for his right also will his daughter be alright, the most important part is will Mia Sara and Hilman be united after all the difficulties they have been through together.

Read the book if you guys want to know the rest of the story.

at this moment....



Apa nak jadi la dalam kelas Miss XOX ni, semua dalam dunia sendiri. Bukannya dengar pun apa yang Miss X0X tu cakap. Bila Miss cakap "Are you with me?", semua cakap "YES!". Padahal, seorang dekat England, seorang tu dah jauh ke U.S dan mungkin dah ada yang sampai outa space dah. Hai apa kes ni, entahla. Tapi aku yakin semua budak kelas aku dapat jugak catch up dengan kuliah dia. Akhirnya habis je kelas dia semua dah lemah longlai, dah dapat banyak ilmu la tu (memerli sebenarnya). Hehehehe, apa-apa pun caya la Miss XOX still cool je dalam kelas dan terus mengajar walaupun semua students dia diam je memanjang. Teruskan usaha Miss XOX dan semua rakan-rakan ku.

P.S: Sebelum masuk kelas Miss XOX bawalah air dan makanan/kudap-kudap sikit sebagai santapan supaya anda segar disepanjang kelas.

Monday, July 13, 2009

We are officially seniors.....

Today, the newcomer are start pouring in. Block B is now officially full with juniors. There was one girl, Tiew, from Perak. She was so friendly with us, me and my roomate, she was so curious to start her new life here in IPTI. She started to ask so many questions, every details of this institute. I gues she just wanted to make herself at home. I know all about being in a new environment, I've had been in the same situation just one year before her. I like her, I mean it's good to ask question rather than sitting quiet and being stupid.

To ask is better than to stare.


Sunday, July 12, 2009

at this moment....


* "If you can't be happy for what happened in your life, ‎you can at least be
free of any negative emotions associated with it"
* "Why do I have to forgive him/her?"
"Because you need to and you would love it when you do! You are
forgivinghim/her for your own sake."

- Thank ALLAH for the forgiveness
- Do not repeat the same mistake
- Learn for your mistake
- Move on and try to be a better person
- Try to accept all the consequences of your mistake

"Be forgiving to others and you surely will receive forgiveness back or more than that."

by Ahmad Shawqi, WWW.readingislam.com

Thursday, July 9, 2009

mengenal diri AKU

My photo
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Siti Nadiah Bakar nama diberi yang bermaksud Puteri Pemurah Yang Bersegera. Anak ketiga dari 4 beradik, seorang yang suka akan kanak-kanak. Sangat meminati musik dan bercita-cita untuk menggunakan bakat yang ada dengan sebaiknya. Sayang sangat pada keluarganya.