Thursday, May 14, 2009

tak tau nak watpe...

Salam dan hai semua...

Sekarang sudah pukul 1 pagi bertarikh 14 Mei 2009, aku pun tak tau aku nak watpe. Aku tak ngantuk lagi, tengah duk berchatting ngan mamat orang kulit hitam yang aku kenal kat dalam internet ni. Nama dia Mo, nama panjang dia aku tak tau la. Dia kate dia muslim tak tau la betul ke tak, kalau betul alhamdulillah kalau tak pun ytak salah kan aku berchatting ngan dia. Aku tau hubungan ni bahaya, yelah sekarang ni kan dah macam-macam kes dah berlaku. So aku kena la berhati-hati sikit. Ape-ape pun aku seronok berkwan dengan dia, aku bleh berborak ngan dia dan cerita pengalaman masing-masing dan lagi baik nye aku berborak ngan dia dalam bahasa English so kira berbaloi gak la berborak ngan dia. Sekurang-kurangnya aku guna jugak la bahasa inggeris, boleh aku improve cara aku bercakap. Lagi pun dia baik dan jujur aku rasa la. So, B.... Awak rasakan saya patut tak teruskan persahabatan ngan dia? Apa da.... aku ni bercakap ngan blog belum tentu ada orang nak baca blog aku. Argh... tak kisah la, janji aku bahagia.
 Berbalik kepada cerita hari aku, hari ni memang menguji kesabaran la. First thing yang berlaku aku bangun pagi, bleh pulak la takde elektrik pastu bilik aku je yang takde. Bilik org lain bahagia je, banyak kot dugaan aku. Dah la dua hari lepas gastrik sampai tak leh tido, tido bilik kawan. Kesian Amy, thanks la ye and to all yang terlibat yang turut membantu aku waktu sedang dalam kesulitan hari tu ALLAH je la yang membalasnye. Tapi semua ade hikmah nye, aku dah dapat tukar bilik dapat satu bilik ngan Mai. Best la, akui kalau boleh nak pindah malam ni gak. Tapi ape kan daya ada practice drama plak kan, so esok petang aku nak tanya Puan Laili bleh tak aku nak pindah dalam minggu ni gak. Takde la kan senang, tak yah aku pening dan tension memikir aku nak tido bilik sape malam seterus nye. Yela dah takde elektrik kat bilik aku tu, takkan aku nak bergelap sorang2 kot seram beb. Ok la tu dah lewat ni aku nak pi tido, aku tulis lagi esok key, bye. Salam and good nite. 


Tuesday, May 12, 2009



Dear blog,

Did you miss me? Did I forgot to write in you? Sorry about that I am not forgot, but I am busy with my assignments and my course tasks. Camping, Mock and test are over but there are still lots to settle. I still have my play, my LDS second test, the test from The Uniersities of Auckland and also don't forget my ES assignment. Only then, after finishing all that I can relaks, still you can't say relaks I need to prepare for my final examination. OH MY GOD, that exam is so important for me, it is THE EXAM that will determine whether I can go to New Zealand or not. FIUH... That is scary man, what happen if I fail I can't imagine what else I can do. I need to start it all over again, No way.... So, I need to pass. Wish me luck B, and wish that GOD will always be with me no matter what happen. I know He is. 

This is what had happen for the  past 7 days...

1. I prepare for TESOL CAMP AND WHEN HOME.
2. I baught a new laptop, MY LITTLE LAPPY.
3. On Monday, the day of the camp. 57 of us in my cohort went to Kedah and unfortunately one of our bus is late so the second group which consist of FC2 and FC3 students need to wait for 2 hours before it arrived. Its a misscommunication.
4. Then I had a fever during our jurney but I quickly had my medication and the fever when down. So, I taught the fever when down for good but the next day after we arrived and settled in the camp I had the fever again and this time it worse.
5. So, I kept eating my medication in order to keep my energy level to the maximum through out the camp actiivities. Alhamdulillah, I manage to survive the whole 5 days of the camp activities and on the fifth day all of us when home to IPTI with relieve and exausted.
6. The next day after came back from the camp, my family came to visit and to sent my lappy. We then went shopping for my little sister's new shoes " I can't stand her hidious slippers anymore" and for my new court shoes. Its was the most memorable and fun memories for me, and one more thing, we all celebrated mother's day and my big sister's birthday that night although she was not with us. I manage to get my mother a present and give my brithday wish to my sister. For me spending time with my family is the most fun and it is the thing that can always make me happy and smile.
7. Then, on Monday the next week I had gastric and food poisening. Can you believe it two time  to being sick in two consecutive weeks. But alhamdulillah, I am all better now and I am sure everything that happen must be for a reason. 

Ok thats all for now, these are breif explanations on what have happen. I see you in the next post. SEE YA, BYE BLOG.

mengenal diri AKU

My photo
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Siti Nadiah Bakar nama diberi yang bermaksud Puteri Pemurah Yang Bersegera. Anak ketiga dari 4 beradik, seorang yang suka akan kanak-kanak. Sangat meminati musik dan bercita-cita untuk menggunakan bakat yang ada dengan sebaiknya. Sayang sangat pada keluarganya.